Who are the Active adversaries?

Active adversaries are seasoned cybercriminals possessing advanced software and networking expertise. They are typically part of well-structured criminal organizations and enjoy substantial financial rewards.

What do they do?

Cybercriminals sneak into company systems, hide from detection, and keep changing their methods. They use smart tricks to get past security and carry out attacks. They learn from their mistakes, trying different things until they succeed. They are relentless and persistent.

In summary

Cyberattacks are not just a big company problem. Smaller businesses are also at risk. A recent study found that 24% of IT managers in organizations with 100 to 250 employees experienced advanced cyberattacks in the past year.

As a SMB, are you prepared? Not being attacked is not the issue, but are you doing your due diligence in protecting your organization.

I would love to hear from others on how they deal with this.

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